Pemilihan kawasan kem adalah antara perkara paling penting bagi penganjur sebelum mengadakan kem motivasi. Ini kerana, pemilihan kawasan dan tempat yang tepat akan menentukan keberkesanan program yang dirancang seiring dengan acara dan program yang ditetapkan dalam tentatif. Hal ini penting kerana kawasan yang selesa dan menarik sekaligus dapat menarik minat para peserta untuk menyertai kem tersebut.

Berdasarkan pemerhatian terhadap kem-kem yang telah dijalankan di Asia Camp, golongan pelajar atau remaja boleh dirumuskan bahawa 80% daripada mereka menganggap kem motivasi adalah selain bertujuan untuk keseronokan ia juga akan membantu mereka untuk menghilangkan stress. Justeru, pemilihan kawasan kem perlu menepati cita rasa mereka dan pengisian program sepanjang kem diadakan juga perlu seiring dengan keperluan mental dan fizikal.

Kebiasaannya, pada awal pelaksanaan kem, para peserta masih kabur dan buntu tentang tujuan sebenar mereka berada di sana. Namun, beralih kepada fasa pertengahan kem pula, barulah para peserta ini tadi dapat menerima intipati program yang dijalankan dengan pelbagai aktiviti membina jati diri serta semangat berpasukan.

Kawasan kem yang berlatarbelakangkan hutan simpan dan air terjun antara ciri-ciri khas yang menjadi keutamaan para penganjur kem motivasi. Tentu sahaja dengan keindahan alam sekitar dan deruan air terjun menggamit perhatian penganjur untuk dijadikan faktor pemilihan kawasan kem.

Apa yang menarik semua ciri-ciri ini boleh diperolehi di Asia Camp sekiranya para penganjur memilih untuk melaksanakan kem motivasi di premis kami. Selain kawasan pinggir hutan yang kaya dengan pemandangan flora dan fauna, kawasan pinggir tasik yang sesuai untuk aktiviti berakit juga sangat sesuai untuk diambil kira semasa pemilihan kawasan kem.

Selain daripada faktor-faktor di atas, lokasi yang berdekatan dengan kawasan kampung, pusat kesihatan, masjid dan balai polis turut perlu diambil kira oleh para penganjur kem motivasi sebelum membuat pemilihan. Ini kerana, semua aspek yang dinyatakan di atas akan menentukan keselesaan dan keselamatan semasa kem motivasi atau kem jati diri dijalankan.

Batasan hanya hidup dalam fikiran sahaja, tetapi jika kamu menggunakan imaginasi, segala kemungkinan tanpa batasan- Jamie Paolinetti

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Setting Trust Fall Challenge

Trust fall is one of the exciting games used in many team building activity and module. A trust fall challenge is more about team-building exercise in which a person deliberately allow themselves to fall, trusting their team members or a group to catch them. The element involves here are trust, respect and confidence put in each member and oneself.

However, there are many variants of the trust fall challenge. Some might involve low-risk injuries while others lead to potentially more dangerous and injuries. In AsiaCamp, there are two types of trust fall challenge that normally practiced for the participants.

1) Trust fall indoors activity (1 to many)

This activity acquired the group member stands in a circle, with one person in the middle with arms folded to the chest and falls in various directions. The group will catch their falling friend using hands or using wide fabric sheath.

Trust fall activity where the group catched their friend using wide fabric sheath

Trust fall activity where the group catches their friend using wide fabric sheath


2) Outdoor Water Trust Fall Challenge (pair to water)

The trust fall activity here incorporates several other components of team building and water confident. The main objective of this module is to build confidence in water confident activities. The module involves participants need to dive into the water and each of them is paired with a partner. The partner or pair component is very important in building self-confidence into water confident activity. The presence of a partner brings the sense of togetherness, companionship, and trust.

Trust fall activity that paired by partner into the water

Trust fall activity that paired by partner into the water

At glance, trust and self-confidence are important because it influences the individual choices and decisions in life. These two elements provide motivation and self-regulation for an individual as it becomes an indicator to explore the potentials and to move forward in life.


Trust fall yang Mendebarkan

A good leader earned respect and trust from his subordinate

Rights, Respect and Responsibility: Key to a Successful Programme

We always aim for a successful programme that achieved specific goal and objectives. However, the ingredients of beautiful success are made from variant factors and parameters. In the land of motivational training, the indicators that measured the degree of success in programme and events are defined by attitudes and efficiency.


As for me, the key to a successful programme is related to three component of i) rights, ii) respect, and iii) responsibility. These three components reflect the tenets of social learning from one individual to others.


I was once a camp commander to a group of 300 students who were SPM leavers at that time. They were required to stay at the camp that took about 2 months duration and involved almost 20 modules. It is indeed a hectic and packed camp. Of course, you can imagine the anxieties of both facilitators and students at that camp.


However, thorough excellent approaches and teamwork from facilitators, we managed to build a beautiful relationship with the students and raised trust and support from the parents.


Therefore, I truly believed that a successful programme is followed by all parties that know their rights, perform their best of responsibility and respect for each other. Without respect for each other, the facilitators cannot move the crowd to be cooperative. Without responsibility, the entire programme will be in chaos. Lastly, without knowing their rights, one party will have the tendency to be bullied by the other parties. It is fair and square.


Do you seek for excellency in your future programme and training? This is the checklist you need to bear in mind;

  1. Understand your purpose and objectives
  2. Understand the value of your presence
  3. Build trust and respect
  4. Speak up and be interactive
  5. Build relationships & friendship
  6. Try to be transparent
  7. Know ways to add value
  8. Have confidence in your crowd

Kem Pelajar Kelantan (Siri 3)

happiness is genuine gift in life

Life: Be Happy with It!

Hakuna Matata! It means no worries for the rest of your days and be happy. Come on, guys! We sing and humming the songs once at least in our life, right?. It shows to us that how catchy the phrases was that very much familiar and close to our dear heart.

Thousands even million souls out there struggling to be happy. That’s come with 1001 recipes to get happy, the traits and tricks of happiness or even sessions with high payment just to pursuit the happiness. As for me, the ability to be happy is truly a genuine gift from God.

There are rich people, with everything complete and luxury. But, some of them are not happy and even feel worries about all the time. There are homeless people, sleep only under the bridge of expressway and eat maybe once a day. But, alhamdulillah he sleeps tightly with no worries. There are also mothers with a life full of anxieties and nonstop house chores 24/7, but they keep smiling and happy.

Dear friends, life is full of surprises and unpredictable. Once, a wise man said, “identify your sources of joy, satisfaction, and engagement, and beware of what brings you guilt, anger, and boredom”. At glance, it reflects us, only by clarifying ourselves and knowing our limitations, it the getaway to claim your happiness.

At AsiaCamp, we provide you the cures through assist you in connecting your mind and body to claim its calamity and peace. We believe that tranquility of the heart will sooner give reflection to the outer character. Still, don’t get it?


Here are a few methods for bringing your own happiness quotient.

  • Try something new: Learning new thing and challenge yourselves tend to make you happier than others who stuck in their routines. The key is the more you’re learning, the happier you’ll be.
Try something new out of your routine inject happiness in yourselves

Try something new out of your routine inject happiness in yourselves


  • Channel your inner 5-years-old: Just take time and be like a kid again. Take a ride, laugh out loud, dancing and singing, playing with the grass and mud until you got dirty. Stop worrying and just enjoy the fun, seize the moment and be a child again.


  • Give-join-claim your space: Have you heard the more you give, the more you will get back? Giving your time for others, inspiring and nurturing others.


Gembira dan Bahagia Membantu Pengurusan Stress Individu

inspiring and empowering others not one man job

Give Me A Hug

Have you read an inspirational book written by Nick Vujicic entitled ‘Give Me A Hug’? It is indeed a beautiful content written by handicapped author who was daring enough to challenge the world’s expectation with his physical limitations.

The main content that discussed by the author catered about the power of love and self-motivation that sparkles and inspires others. The author showed a genuine exemplary of self-esteem towards himself have become his powerful weapon to win over the world. Indeed, his lessons become the forces that move the entire school teenagers to be a better person in the future.

These are the lessons we can learn from Nick’s stories in Give Me A Hug;

  1. The will to give and receive love from others
  2. The will to never give up
  3. Happiness is a choice!
  4. Reclaim your life
  5. Become someone that means to others

The gist of the essence on ‘give me a hug‘ shows compelling meanings to us that by empowering a human sixth sense of feelings and inner self have brought human to unstoppable actions. Strengthening and reflecting the motivation and the focus in life has always become the key success in almost everything we want to achieve in life. Eliminating those uncertainties, assumptions and negativity have wide open for victories to conquer the world and go beyond the imagination.

Hugging others are one source of treatment and reflection to inner-self

Hugging others are one source of treatment and reflection to inner-self

Reflecting this truly is our focus and pillar in AsiaCamp.

Why we hassle ourselves to think of youngsters’ problems and anxieties?

Why we struggle to fight ignorance and selfishness in oneself?

Why we bother other’s achievements and performances?

Why we must sacrifice our comfort in order to soothing others?

Why we eager to educate others to become tolerate and caring to others?


Yes, because we believe by giving more, it helps the world to become a nicer and pleasant place to live in. By giving more, it reflects and will truly be coming back to us. Lastly, by giving more to our people, it helps in building a better nation.


“A hug is like a boomerang, you get it back right away” – Bil Keane


Latihan dalam kumpulan atau istilah ringkasnya adalah LDK adalah satu aktiviti berkumpulan yang sentiasa dijalankan dan salah satu kaedah yang sering digunakan. Perantara yang dimainkan oleh pemudah adalah tunjang yang paling penting dalam LDK ini. Dalam aktiviti LDK ini, ahli kumpulan akan dapat menyesuaikan diri dalam tempoh masa yang singkat.

Melalui LDK juga para peserta berpeluang berkongsi pendapat, berkongsi masalah, mengenal potensi diri, memupuk sikap keterbukaan, melatih sikap kejujuran dan amanah. Selain tu LDK juga dapat membantu para peserta memupuk keyakinan diri, membentuk keterampilan diri dan melatih emosi untuk sentiasa mengutamakan nilai-nilai murni dalam kumpulan.

Latihan dalam kumpulan adalah satu aktiviti yang wajib diadakan dalam setiap kem motivasi atau kem jati diri yang diadakan di Asia Camp. Semasa kem dijalankan, para peserta akan menjadikan rakan pasukan mereka sebagai teman rapat sepanjang kem berlansung.

Selain itu, pelbagai aktiviti lain seperti mengenal logo, permainan indoor yang kreatif dan inovatif dan cara menangani konflik akan diselitkan bagi memberi lebih ruang kepada para peserta untuk lebih menyesuaikan diri.

Kawalan tempoh masa dalam LDK juga adalah penting kerana penyampaian pemudah cara yang meleret-leret dan tidak menepati objektif kem akan memakan lebih masa. Begitu juga dengan pembabitan peserta yang membahaskan isu.

Justeru, latihan dalam kumpulan perlu mematuhi tempoh masa yang ditetapkan dan pemudah cara yang berkebolehan adalah penting untuk merancang dengan lebih awal sebelum aktiviti dijalankan.

Pemudah cara yang berkebolehan turut penting dalam mencungkil bakat keterampilan para peserta semasa LDK dijalankan. Pemudah cara juga perlu mempunyai sikap menerima secara terbuka, membimbing tanpa batasan, dan bijak membuat keputusan selain berperanan sebagai sahabat. Justeru, pemudah cara yang baik akan dapat membantu objektif yang dirangka untuk dilaksanakan dengan jayanya.

Aktiviti LDK yang menyeronokkan akan membantu para peserta untuk membentuk semangat teambuilding kerana itu adalah antara tujuan utama setiap kem motivasi dan kem jati diri diadakan di Asia Camp.

Inovasi membezakan antara pemimpin dan pengikut – Steve Jobs

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Kredibiliti bagi pemimpin adalah satu sifat yang boleh dipercayai, di mana seseorang yang kredibel ialah seorang yang boleh dipercayai baik daripada kata-katanya mahupun tingkah lakunya. Seseorang itu dapat melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya sebagai pemimpin selagi beliau memiliki kredibiliti yang tinggi di mata para pengikutnya. Oleh yang demikian, kredibiliti adalah salah satu ciri yang sangat penting untuk membolehkan hujah seseorang ketua itu dipercayai.

Terdapat beberapa komponen penting dalam membentuk kredibiliti bagi setiap ketua pasukan atau pemimpin. Yang pertama seorang ketua perlu mempunyai ilmu pengetahuan, kepakaran dan kemahiran yang tinggi sebelum memimpin sesebuah pasukan. Yang kedua pula adalah kredibiliti bagi pemimpin dibina berasaskan penampilan, rupa paras dan air muka. Yang ketiga adalah niat dan ketulusan pemimpin dalam meneraju pasukannya.

Seseorang pemimpin memerlukan kredibiliti kukuh bagi membolehkan ahli pasukannya percaya dan yakin kepada beliau dan tidak merasa ragu-ragu akan kebolehannya untuk mengetuai pasukan atau jabatan Terdapat pelbagai faktor yang menyebabkan seseorang menaruh kepercayaan kepada sang pemimpin. Salah satu faktor adalah menerusi gerak-geri dan cara pertuturan. Selain daripada itu seorang pemimpin atau ketua harus tahu membuat kerja. Ini kerana, komponen di atas akan mempengaruhi kredibiliti beliau. Secara logiknya, tiada anak buah yang akan menghormati seseorang ketua yang tidak tahu membuat kerja.

Kredibiliti bagi pemimpin juga bergantung kepada tahap kepakaran dalam sesebuah bidang yang diketuai. Kepakaran tersebut juga dapat dibuktikan dengan rekod-rekod kejayaan yang pernah dicapai bagi sang pemimpin untuk mengukuhkan lagi kredibiliti tersebut.


Sebagai contoh, seorang doktor pakar di mana-mana hospital tentu sahaja menjadi tempat rujukan utama bagi para doktor housement. Bagi bidang pereka fesyen pula contohnya, seseorang yang pakar pasti akan tahu membezakan warna pakaian yang sesuai bagi setiap individu. Semua perkara di atas adalah penting bagi pemimpin supaya dia dapat mempengaruhi dan memperolehi kepercayaan anak buahnya.


Dalam seni selok-belok mempengaruhi orang lain, yang paling penting adalah siapa diri kita, dan selepas itu bagaimana kita menyampaikan maksud kita, akhirnya barulah apa yang kita katakan – Winston Churchill

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Kritikan membina penting dalam memajukan diri dan merangsang perubahan dalam diri individu

Ways to be More Satisfied At Work

We understood that interactions with colleagues from different backgrounds, interests, and perception might impact the ways you look up and communicate with people. However, in order to be satisfied at work, it’s not a hard task to achieve. At AsiaCamp, our previous corporate clients have focused on upgrading their employability skills in order to be more satisfied at work. Here are a few steps to look into this matter;

Be specific but not bad talking – is bad about others truly feel good and superior? Living in today era, any wrong steps and bad decisions are easy to get viral. People are very open-minded but some also have no shame in bashing others with bad words in public. This has a tendency to give bad reputation to an individual, company’s images or services. So, a clear-cut of your complaints and uncertainties of things at work, simply just walk away or move on reducing more complicated conflicts and stress.

Talk to your boss – According to the latest research by CFO, the reasons why people keep quit from their bosses were due to lack of employee recognition and poor management performance. To add more, many of us feel ok to be silenced and reluctant to wide-open talk to employers. This caused high numbers of 70% of employees felt disengaged in the working environment while only 30% are engaged in work. Thus, it is crucial to share constructive comments about your working environment, be opened, and let the boss fully alert and aware of it.

Stay cool and roll with it – when a boss or coworker shares their feedback on your work, be a pro, accept it and take it as a constructive comment, not criticism. If you think the critique is out off base, it is crucial to ask for detailed assessment before you defensively react with overwhelmed responses.

The culture of constructive discussion should be implemented to encourage a competitive working environment

The culture of constructive discussion should be implemented to encourage a competitive working environment


Dear friends, to get a job nowadays is not easy. To be satisfied at work can be twisted in the ways you see and perceive things.


Let’s us in AsiaCamp assist you with modules on conflict and stress management, as this is our area of expertise.


takut akan ketinggina juga meruapakan salah satu ketakutan dalam hidup

Mengatasi Ketakutan Dalam Hidup

Takut merupakan musuh senyap kepada diri. Rasa takut adalah suatu perasaan yang diciptakan Tuhan untuk melindungi manusia kerana adanya ancaman, musibah atau bencana dari luar yang akan menyebabkan mudarat kepada diri. Ketakutan dalam hidup yang utama itu haruslah dikembalikan kepada Tuhan kerana Dialah yang merupakan Sang Pencipta dan Pemilik kepada seluruh kehidupan manusia.


Namun demikian, dengan alpanya manusia, kini ketakutan itu telah berubah bentuk dan menghinggap jauh sehingga menjadi barah di dalam seluruh kehidupan manusia. Akhirnya, ketakutan ini menjadi tentangan terbesar kita yang merayap dari faktor-faktor yang tidak diketahui dan secara membabi-buta.


Ketakutan dalam hidup ini mampu hadir dalam pelbagai bentuk dan wajah, yang kebanyakannya melibatkan prestasi dan reputasi diri. Seringkali ketakutan ini terdengarnya logik, namun kadangkala ia berubah menjadi tidak logik jika ditakuti secara berlebihan.


Apakah ketakutan dalam hidup yang digeruni oleh kita?

  • Apakah saya akan gagal dalam hidup? …kerana musnahnya keputusan yang bagus? Hilangnya pekerjaan? Punahnya bisnes diri?
  • Bagaimana mungkin hidup di masa depan dengan tabungan yang sedikit? Tiada tabungan? Hutang-piutang yang berlonggok di keliling pinggang?
  • Mungkinkah juga takut akan sakit yang ada di dalam diri? Sakit kanser yang menghadir? Mungkin menjadi lumpuh, pekak atau buta.
  • Sesetengah yang lain takut tiadanya kebahagiaan diri. Diri yang tidak berkahwin, tiada anak, tiada yang menyayangi akan dilupakan orang. Tiada yang akan menemani hidup.
  • Ada yang lebih menjurus kepada prestasi diri seperti takut berucap di khalayak ramai, takut memimpin, takut dimalukan dan diperli oleh yang lain.
takut akan ketinggina juga meruapakan salah satu ketakutan dalam hidup

Takut akan ketinggian juga merupakan salah satu ketakutan dalam hidup


Hakikatnya, ketakutan ini merupakan satu anugerah dari Tuhan. Ia perlu diacu dan disalurkan kepada laluan yang menjadi sumber kekuatan, inspirasi dan motivasi diri untuk terus bangun dan maju di dalam hidup. Oleh itu, ketakutan ini merupakan satu faktor yang perlu dihadapi dan dikuasai. Hanya dengan menguasai ketakutan yang ada di dalam diri, kita akan mampu menjadi lebih kuat, lebih bertenang, dan bersabar menghadapi kehidupan.


“There is no illusion greater than fear”. – Lao Tzu

4 Effective Leadership Games in 10 minutes

Nowadays, more and more people become aware of the essence of leadership and team building in the working environment. People from various background of educators, corporate members, individual groups and private agencies starting to ask for assistance modules to becoming a good leader in long shot.

We understood that the quality of leadership cannot be harvest in a short period. However, the process of upbringing the quality need to be implemented consistently that will reflect their influence and responsibility towards their assigned tasks and teams.

The following leadership games are collected from our previous activities that proven to benefit towards the path. These easy to apply leadership and team building activities can generate you into a better leader and harness the leadership qualities of your team members.

We can guarantee you, these leadership and team building activities acquired the least material and can be done within a short period of time. Yet, it is not far to boost your team with improving spirits of teamwork, facilitate better communication and increase team cohesion.

GAME 1: Leadership quality to move up the blue bottle

GAME 1: Leadership quality to move up the blue bottle

Your favorite Mr.Blue: This is a simple outdoor team building game where team members need to work together and support each other as they move the big blue bottle from the ground. The trick here, they need one voice of leader to coordinate and monitor the whole process.


GAME 2: Line of shoes

GAME 2: Line of shoes

Line of shoes: This activity helps in each member maintaining coherence relationships at the workplace that involved tolerance, trust, respect and encouragement from the team members. One mistake from a selfish member allows the task incomplete and break in line.


GAME 3: Leadership Coat of Arms

GAME 3: Leadership Coat of Arms

Leadership Coat of Arms: This activity acquired the team members to move the cup filled with 3/4 water to the given direction without spilled water on the paper and ground. It tests the abilities to coordinate and contribute ideas to make success.


GAME 4: Active Tunnel

GAME 4: Active Tunnel

Active Tunnel: This exercise provides a very practical framework for regular and effective feedback within teams. As a leader, you can help your team members get constructive feedback in a timely manner.


What are your favorite games for leadership development? Have you tried any of the activities above? Let us know about your experiences in the comments.


More related articles here:

5 Steps to Boost Team Building Skill

Team Building in Express Train Activity