In the bible of physical training, the first step endorsed by the experts is about the importance of warming up. In brief, we understood that the term warming up refers to the session to produce signals to the body of future activity, so that the body and muscle are getting ready for the activity.
In Asia Camp, our recreational activities are divided into 3 types;
- Water-based activities – i.e. trust fall module, water floating, water rafting, water confident, high rope, and river crossing,
- Active outdoor activities – i.e. jungle trekking, abseiling, flying fox, explore-race, obstacle race, aerobic dancing, war games and amazing race (mostly the activities acquire the participants to engage with a high amount of walking and running)
- Passive outdoor activities – i.e. creative games, survival cooking, and campfires (which highlights activities based on critical thinking and team working)
Understanding of these recreational activities is initiaties a clear understanding that those activities will involve mass body movements and risks for body injuries. Therefore, our experts and coach will normally perform simple warming up activity to preheat the bodies and assist the participants for mental focus and excitement.

Warming up is important in recreational activities and a key start to a healthy lifestyle
However, here in Asia Camp, we make it a tradition to hold a mass warming up by organizing the anaerobic exercise session. As informed previously in a series of articles, Asia Camp always packed with 2-4 programs at a time. Therefore, we have the number of crowds and warming up become more happening and fun.

With huge number of participants, the physical exercise session becomes more fun and loud
At glance, we understood in many practices the simple thing is most likely to be neglected and ignored. However, in Asia Camp, our priority is straight towards the safety, customers’ satisfaction, and outcomes of goal-oriented of the programs.
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