Mount Tahan

About Mount Tahan

Hiking lovers who like to climb hills and mountains are sure wanting to catch the highest peak in the Peninsular Malaysia, Mount Tahan. The challenge to climb it can be as challenging as its name where it takes you days to get to the top.

Furthermore, you have to face the challenges of crossing the forests, crossing the rivers, climbing the hills and spending the night in the woods. Thus, to catch the peak of this mountain is known to be very challenging and that you need to prepare well.

Although the peak of this Mount Tahan (2,187 meters) is lower than Malaysia’s highest mountain, which is Kinabalu Mountain (4,095 meters), the challenge of Mount Tahan is remarkably different.

The Insights of Mount Tahan

  • The sixth highest mountain in Malaysia.
  • Located in the Banjaran Tahan.
  • Filled with dense forests with timber, moss, and bonsai.
  • The condition and structure of the track surface vary. There are steep, steep roads up to 90 degrees, which require river crossing, muddy roads, and even rocky roads
  • Irregularities of weather. Sometimes, it is hot and some other time, it is raining. Sometimes, it is cloudy, accompanied by thunder and the temperature can reach up to 8 degrees Celsius in the Botak Camp and peaks.
  • Only 48 climbers are allowed to go up per day and it requires a trail guide for every 12 climbers.
  • There are two types of beginning routes to choose from which are the Kuala Tahan and Merapoh or Relau River routes.
  • The temperatures at the peaks will be cooler between December to January.

Climbing the Mount Tahan

Are you someone who loves nature challenges? Have you ever imagined yourself climbing the highest mountain in Peninsular Malaysia and one of the most challenging mountains to climb?

Yeah! The mountain, which has a height of 2,187m from the sea level, is 32km from Kuala Juram, Sungai Relau and Merapoh and 53km from Kampung Kuala Tahan. You have to climb and descend the hills, cross the river, cross the jungle, and stay overnight in tents before taking over the summit of Mount Tahan, the highest mountain in Peninsular Malaysia.

The challenge of conquering the sixth highest mountain in all of Malaysia requires you to have strong physical and mental endurance. If not, you will need to have enough physical and mental endurance training in preparation to prevent any unwanted events.

Imagine yourself reaching the summit where you will be enchanted by the beauty of the Banjaran Tahan that stretches across the eye and your journey is adorned with rows of bonsai trees. To get to this Mount Tahan, you can choose whether to depart from Kuala Tahan or Merapoh.

Various species of flora and fauna await your arrival such as the giant trees, fungus, and mushrooms across four rivers whose waters are cool and clear so you can see fishes swimming in the rocky slopes and waterfalls charmingly.

In addition, this Mount Tahan area is well maintained by the National Park management as each climber is obliged to declare the goods to be taken during the hike. This is because every item that is taken away must be taken home with the exception of leftover food that can be decomposed on its own. This step is taken to preserve the beauty and authenticity of Mount Tahan to last forever.

It is important to make sure that the items in your bag are wrapped in plastic and are neatly packed as traveling along the river with these slippery rocks may cause you to slip along with the heavy bag-pack that may make your move imbalanced.

Some Tips

It is certainly possible if you choose to climb this Mount Tahan by yourself. However, compared to the costs you have to bear alone, with the level of challenges that you will face, it can make you feel it as unworthy it unless you go in groups.

Here are some tips in preparing yourself before climbing the Mount Tahan: –

  1. Make sure that you have done exercises to strengthen your physical and mental well-being as well as getting the optimum level of stamina.
  2. Only bring the necessary and lightweight items such as tents that are made of lightweight and durable material, not too thick but well ventilated, easy to dry and so on.
  3. Bring a power-bank to charge your phone and camera.
  4. Bring clothes that can warm you up in a cool place.
  5. Bring the mosquito repellents, anti-depressants and other medications in case of emergency.
  6. Bring a waterproof protective bag to protect your electronics devices.